Warp drive


In this world the fastest vehicle is known as rocket which can travel at the speed 11km/s. as this speed also makes a time of months to travel to the nearest planet mars. To explore the universe, we need a fastest vehicle than this, which can travel at the speed of light and more. This technology and the vehicle names as warp drive ship. This also make a large possibility and it is a science fiction one, but there is a chance to come in this practical world, on this NASA is working of this space drive. Now we discuss about this technology.

     Warp drive works based on the general theory of relativity, as our universe lies on space time fabric when we bend this fabric with expansion and contraction we can move, at the speed of the waves created in the fabric, AS we know the universe stretches is faster that the light. This can be explained by a simple example that in seas the surfers use the waves and move in the directions of that waves. As same principle is used to travel in the space also. As a result, we can move faster than the light and all the objects are vanished from the region.

      To Accomplish this, we need to bend the fabric in the front of the universe and expand opposite direction on the back side. To do this we need positive and negative energy that equal to the Jupiter mass. As this is simple to listen by it is very difficult in practical. As to store and give the energy as equal to Jupiter mass it very difficult and also the negative energy is not discovered, anti-matter is not equal to negative energy it is completely different. But we discovered something that is know a zero-point energy, but the negative energy is not founded at they still in research and will; also wait for this technology and wishes to NASA to develop this technology.

Thank you….


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